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Meet the Governors

Governor Roles for 2024/25

  • Co-Chair of Governors - Luke Robinson and Sarah Reece
  • Vice Chair - Vacant

Specific Governor Responsibilities:

  • Pupil Premium – Sarah Reece
  • SEND – Ben Durbin
  • Safeguarding - Luke Robinson
  • School Environment - Vacant
  • Development Governor - Jo Welch

In addition, any member of the Senior Leadership Team may attend meetings to bring reports for Governors to review.

The governors of Holly Spring School believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

The governors are currently researching the best ways to collate data on the diversity of the board and how that data will be used to inform their recruitment and training needs to ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision-making.

Co-Chair of Governors - Luke Robinson and Sarah Reece

Luke Robinson


I am delighted to be Co-Chair of Governors of Holly Spring Primary School. I am a local Secondary school music teacher and Head of Pupil Care, I have experience in mainstream and special school settings and can’t wait to work with the extremely experienced governing body in supporting this fantastic primary school. 

Sarah Reece

sarah pic

I am a Lead Practitioner Teacher and Senior Leader at a school in Woodley. I became a governor for Holly Spring Primary School in 2022. I have been teaching for 13 years and a Senior Leader for 11 years where my role has varied from Key Stage Leader right through to Acting Deputy Head.

I have a passion for teaching and learning and believe strongly that every child should receive the best possible primary education to set them up for success in their future life, therefore my favourite part of my current role is coaching and mentoring colleagues to develop their practice. I have also had the privilege of developing my school's curriculum to ensure it is engaging and purposeful while igniting a thirst for learning in the children. As part of this, I have been working on the middle leader development to ensure they have the knowledge, confidence and support to move their subjects forward and ensure all children are receiving the education they deserve.

Ben Durbin

Ben Durbin photo

I have lived in Bullbrook for the past 18 years and both of my children have attended Holly Spring and really flourished here. I have spent most of my career working for education charities where I have seen the difference that schools can make to children's lives and the challenges they face. Being a governor is a chance for me to give something back to the school and the community, and I hope to learn lots from the experience too.

Nathalie Davy

N Davy photo

I became a parent governor during the 2020 pandemic.  I only moved to the area just before my daughter joined Key stage 1 last year and we live locally to the school.

I have a previous background in Early Years Education, in a leadership role. Due to this am used to education frameworks, policies and OFSTED inspections. I also was the designated inclusion representative and completed required training to be a safeguarding deputy for our setting.

I am now working for the Crown prosecution service, and throughout the pandemic I have been in a health & safety, security and facilities role, which has been rather challenging.

All these experiences have shown me how transferable all my skills can be and I want to use them to the best of my ability to help the school, and our children to have the best educational experiences possible.

Jo Welch


I have been a teacher for over 15 years and have always been actively involved in all the schools I have worked for, as I believe children are the future and deserve the very best from those who help to shape their lives. 

I am local to the area and have two young children. I joined the Holly Spring team in September 2022. I have settled in quickly and can see all the hard work the staff and those who support the school do and wanted to add my experience to that. 

Over the years I have held many different positions and understand how schools work. I have worked closely with colleagues to deliver improvements and make sure what we have in place is right for all our children. I firmly believe children should be at the centre of every decision we make. As staff governor, I can support colleagues and children.

Elle Daniels

E daniels

I have lived in the local area for the last ten years and my two children attend Holly Spring Primary School. I've been a secondary English teacher for the past 12 years and I have been in a leadership position for the past 9 years. I spent 8 years of my career in a local secondary school as a curriculum middle leader; I'm well-versed in teaching and working with Holly Spring's alumni! I now lead the whole-school Personal Development provision of a school that mostly caters for children with SEND needs.

Education, teaching, learning, and everything in between and around it, is one of my biggest passions. I'm exceptionally driven when it comes to raising standards and ensuring that our children have the best quality education: both in terms of academic provision and their personal development and well-being.

Instrument of Government

What do governors do?

Do you wonder what governors do for our school and what are the responsibilities they hold? Please see the document below, which shows how we contribute to the success of Holly Spring Primary School. There are many areas of responsibility for the Head Teacher, but she will bring reports and updates to the governing body, and we will visit the school to see evidence for ourselves.


Governor Vacancy

More Information

If you are interested in becoming a school governor please contact the clerk to the governing body at clerk@hsprimary.uk, or chair@hsprimary.uk to register your interest or gain more information. Alternatively, you can email governor.services@bracknell-forest.gov.uk for other governor roles within the borough.

Governing Body Information

This section contains statutory information for our governors. Please click on the document below for:

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