Religious Education (RE) Intent Statement
“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?”
- Henry David Thoreau.
At Holly Spring Primary School, we recognise that Religious Education (RE) is a crucial component of our students' education. Our students will be provided with the opportunity to learn about a variety of religions and cultural practises within each year group. Our students will have the chance to grow spiritually, morally, socially, and culturally, as well as to consider their own beliefs. Our pupils will revisit religions as they advance through the school; giving them the chance to draw on their existing knowledge and then build upon it with progressively more complicated concepts for their ages.
In addition to giving our students an inclusive understanding of various world religions, we want them to be able to use that knowledge to engage in respectful and empathetic conversations with others about other people's religions and beliefs, which will help them to become informed, contributing members of our diverse society.
At Holly Spring, our curriculum drivers, knowledge, aspiration and experience, are fully embedded within our RE curriculum. Within these values we aim to:
- Understand what it means to belong, believe and behave as a part of the Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh faith.
- Prepare our pupils to engage with different communities and appreciate diverse cultures in our global community.
- Enrich our pupil’s enjoyment and engagement with others through their development of questioning and engagement with artefacts, visitors, trips and workshops.
Subject Overview Map

Progression of Skills