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Family Support(1)


is for children, young people and adults who are diagnosed with, or who may have, autism   and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The service also supports parent and carers. Whatever stage of your autism/ADHD journey you are at – pre-assessment or post-diagnosis – GEMS offers a single point of contact where you can access information, advice and support.

GEMS service flyer1024_1(8)



Providing Specialist Support for Berkshire families who have children with special needs.


Autism Berkshire

An autism charity in Berkshire that deliver quality specialist services, training and social and leisure activities throughout the county


NHS Berkshire Health Care 

Support and advice for mental and physical health issues for children, young people and families in Berkshire



The Autism Group

A charity committed to supporting and enhancing the lives of young people on the spectrum, their parents, and carers


ADHD Foundation

Advice and guidance on helping young people with ADHD related difficulties

Tourettes Action

Support and Advice for people with Tourette's


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