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Our school uniform plays an important part in communicating our school ethos and expectations.  Wearing a uniform is a badge of pride.  It helps build a sense of community with our school and it gives students a sense of belonging and creates an identity for our school in the community.  It teaches students to take pride in their appearance.

Uniform - Nursery and Reception - all required

  • Plain black joggers (not leggings)
  • Plain black Velcro trainers with plain white or dark coloured socks
  • Yellow, long or short sleeved polo shirts with or without school logo - (long sleeved yellow polo shirts currently unbranded – awaiting update from supplier)
  • Bottle / dark green sweatshirt / jumper or cardigan with or without school logo.

Optional for Summer

  • Plain black shorts
  • Green and white checked Summer dress (black shorts can be worn underneath)

WINTER: Coat, hat & gloves


 DO NOT FORGET TO NAME ALL ITEMS - This is the only way lost things can find their way home!

Uniform - Years 1 - 6 - required

 Advanced issues found
 Advanced issues found

PE Kit - Years Reception - 6

PE kits should be worn into school on the day your child has PE lessons

  • Children should wear a Holly Spring PE top or plain bottle / dark green t-shirt without any brand logos.
  • Children should wear black shorts and plain black tracksuit bottoms (again no brand logos).
  • Children need to have a plain black sweat top or alternatively can wear their school jumpers.
  • Children need sensible PE trainers (plain dark colour or white).



  • Children should bring a coat in colder weather that is easy for them to hang up on a peg independently.
  • No jewellery - except plain gold/silver studs which children can take out themselves or are removed at home before the start of school on PE days. Children must remove all jewellery for PE lessons. If your child wears jewellery for religious reasons e.g. a Sikh Kara bracelet please meet with Mrs Marsh or Mrs King to complete a risk assessment.
  • As your child starts to learn the time then a simple, a plain watch may be worn (no smart watches).
  • No nail varnish or make-up. Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back.
  • Second hand uniform is available from school for anyone who is in need.

Reasonable adjustments to the uniform expectations may be made for children who have medical and/or additional needs that significantly impact their ability to wear the uniform listed above. Please contact our Inclusion Leader, Mrs Grant to discuss if such adjustments are necessary. 

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